LED Wall Art
This is a collaboration project between Lana, Moin and me. The goal was to create LED art installation or at least a prototype of. Its like a painting on the wall of an abstract work piece that lives and breathes through color.
We took an addressable RGB LED strip and turned it into a grid. It connects using the arduino to a Node server and from there a used can go to a website and control the colors of LEDs. For now only the prototype is complete but we want to create a bigger version, in a full size.
This project allowed me to learn a lot and in different segments of development. Of the things is working with other people and trying to to create something that they would eventually use, so stuff like plugins. It was great to understand that some people may use my code in a different way and I have to start thinking of what could be the issues and try to avoid them in a first place. Secondly, soldering was a big breakthrough for me. Not only learning how to solder, but also using a crappy soldering iron to using a professional one, I started to understand that sometimes its worth to have the best thing and mediocre stuff is one time use.